Hey there, here's a bit
About Me
Flora Sage
Helping 6- and 7- figure Women Entrepreneurs to remove the busywork, inefficiencies, and outdated offers holding you back so you can have more time, profit and freedom.
As a Certified Simplification Coach & Business Consultant for over 27 years, it is my mission to help you remove the hidden clutter from your business & life.
Let's clear what's getting in the way, so you can enjoy the life you've worked so hard to build.
Check out my story below and pick the path of our next adventure together!! I'm excited to have you here.
To see a list of my credentials, check out my LinkedIn.
My Story...
We all come to a pivot point in our lives when we realize something has to change... this was mine.
Building my business while raising two boys (now grown), I understand what modern women experience. The constant demands of raising a family, managing your career, plus cultivating a meaningful life can feel overwhelming at times.
Since 1997, I've helped women from all walks of life simplify their lives & businesses. But... In early 2022, I felt like my own life & business needed simplifying.
Being a seven-time author, creator of over 5,000 hours of programs / courses, & running three group coaching programs with memberships, I was tapped out.
So I embarked on a personal journey to get clarity.
I powered down my laptop and cell phone, I started a 14-day retreat that began with a 5-day vow of silence.
"Burn it all down."
was the message I received during those first five days.
"Close down the memberships,
eliminate the group coaching,
archive all my old programs
& focus on one thing that lights you up the most."
I spent the remaining days of my retreat moving through the fear of letting it all go.
Once I came back to social media & the outside world, I made the announcement & began to close my memberships, end group coaching & began to archive my body of work down by 95%.
Doing this was both terrifying and freeing at the same time.
I cut my working hours in half, downsized my home & belongings, began traveling monthly.
In the process of this, I became deeply Aligned in both my Life & Business.
As a Minimalism Mentor & Simplification Coach, I want to teach you how to Align into a Life & Business You’re Wildly Obsessed with by decluttering the unnecessary!
I want you to feel the freedom that comes with only having in your life what makes sense to keep.
This work is about embracing the life you've always wanted. Not settling for the one you fell into.
If you're ready... Let's get started!
Private Mentorship & Consulting for Women Entrepreneurs
Single Coaching Session
For the women who wants insight and clarity about barriers (the clutter) that keep coming up in her life.
During this 90-minute coaching session, we will identify which type of clutter is getting in the way the most, and you'll walk away with a clear plan of action on how to clear it.
Let's Do This!
Business Consulting
Align is a private collaborative mentorship open to 6 and 7 figure women entrepreneurs who want to streamline their business and simplify their lives, so you are less busy, and have more time to do the things you love.
Together, we work to collaboratively clear out the clutter that's been preventing you from fully Aligning into your dream life & business!
Let's Get Started!
What I know to be True
Sage bits of wisdom that I know to be true in life.
lasting change comes from taking one step at a time…
over time
mindset is one of the most important things in life
it takes a village… you are meant to be part of a tribe
laughter, sunshine, spring water, hugs, and movement are key to an epic life
your environment is everything, whom you hang out with, what you watch-read-eat
we only use 20% of our belongings
we are all students & teachers, learn when you can, teach even more
sleeping 7-9 hours, heals the body more than anything
embrace the journey & celebrate every milestone
do more of what you value, & watch your life expand beyond your wildest imagination
fun is an attitude,
not an activity
success can be achieved, no matter your age or upbringing
Let's Connect
Connect with myself and others in this community.
Work with Flora
Business Mentorship
Book Biz Consulting Session
About Flora
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